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  FDELETE                               Introduced: v3.12

  .  Summary

  fdelete(str <filename>);

  .  Description

  The fdelete function is used to delete a disk file from within a
  script. <filename> is the name of the file to delete. A full drive
  and path may be specified as part of the filename, and case is not
  significant, but wildcard characters (* or ?) may NOT be part of the

  .  Return Value

  A value of -1 is returned if there is a problem deleting the file, 0

  .  Example

  fdelete("C:\UTIL\TLX\TELIX.CAP");    // delete an old capture file

See Also: frename dos dosfunction run
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson